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MP: 008618049516559
Mail: jowu@fruitsjoy.com
Add: Rm.10602.Unit 3,Kaiyuan New Building, Xincheng Technology Industrial Park, Xi'an, China.
Phone: 0086-82294892
MP: 008618049516559
Mail: jowu@fruitsjoy.com
Add: Rm.10602.Unit 3,Kaiyuan New Building, Xincheng Technology Industrial Park, Xi'an, China.
John Smoth
Time: 2020-04-22 Source: Glassware Wholesale Author: Jo Wu
We just have a simple idea, but Fruis Joy have made them come true, they gave out most proffesional design and sample support for our approve, and control the quality of whole order with daily report! make us now everything of the order and goods.
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