WeChat: 18049516559
Phone: 0086-82294892
MP: 008618049516559
Mail: jowu@fruitsjoy.com
Add: Rm.10602.Unit 3,Kaiyuan New Building, Xincheng Technology Industrial Park, Xi'an, China.
Phone: 0086-82294892
MP: 008618049516559
Mail: jowu@fruitsjoy.com
Add: Rm.10602.Unit 3,Kaiyuan New Building, Xincheng Technology Industrial Park, Xi'an, China.
2019 Our products meet FDA and food safety testing standards
Time: 2019-10-26 Source: Author:
Our products meet FDA and food safety testing standards in North America and Europe!
Our glass cups and bottles have been sent to SGS institutions with international testing qualifications for testing and have successfully passed food safety tests in North America and Europe!
Our glass cups and bottles have been sent to SGS institutions with international testing qualifications for testing and have successfully passed food safety tests in North America and Europe!